How we would like to work with our partners
. Index
- Overview of Collaboration
1:1 Transparent Distribution_Logistics (Warehousing) _Service 24/7.
1:2 Funnel (Steps from Marketing to Sale – Target to receive next RFQ)
1:3 Presentation
. - Three steps collaboration with our partners:
2:1 Press Release/Distribution contact information per country including webpage link
2:2 Brand page (partner page)
……. 2:2:1 Help – Personal meeting via Skype or Phone
2:3 Elevator Pitch (partner updates)
. - Agreements & Price list
3:1 Distribution/Agency agreement
3:2 Consultancy agreement
3:3 Price list
……. 3:3:1 Price list Marketing & Marketing research
……. 3:3:2 Price list Consultancy
……. 3:3:3 Price list New Development
……..3:3:4 Price list Material SDS (Safety Data Sheet) and label in local language
……..3:3:5 Price list Material registration and packaging fees per country .
- Instruction for News & Cases
1. Overview of Collaboration
……. 1:1 Transparent Distribution_Logistics (Warehousing)_Service
PU Consulting AB do not hide our partners from other partnerships because we have during several years developed the tools to work with many partners at the same time and utilize the benefits of working together.
With the help of the activities in the marketing- and sales funnel customers remember us and they send us the next RFQs (request for quotations).
Our warehouses and logistic services cover the territory. Together with Customer and Partners we find the best possible solution.
We offer 24/7 service with latest techniques. Together with our consultants and partners we solve problems faster with remote assist. PU Consulting AB, PU Consultants or Partners visit customers for maintenance.
……. 1:2 Funnel (Steps from Marketing to Sale )
Target with marketing is to receive customers next RFQ – request for quotation.
………..1:3 Presentation
2. Three steps collaboration with our partners:
Internal partner updates are important for the collaboration.
The updates are reasons to follow up customers regarding partner brand information.
2:1 Press Release/Distribution contact information per country including webpage link
2:2 Brand page (partner page)
Before anything else make sure to always inform and agree with PU Consulting AB on the following:
. ..– Product keywords (industry, department, min 5 keywords).
. ..– Based on sales/year what is your main product?
All partner information on one page.
• About partner (min 300 words)
• Questionnaires
• Partner’s general brochure & Videos
• Link to related News & Cases
• Products (subpage ex products brochure or password protected page)
……. – Product keywords (industry, department, min 5 keywords)
………….. Ask your self:
…………. • What industries are you selling to today?
…………..• What departments/contacts are the best ones to use?
…………..• If you where to search for your own product on internet, what keywords would you use for the search?
……. – Product text (min 300 words)
……..– Products can be SEO(Search Engine Optimized)
Work with brand page: Link to partner search
……… 2:2:1 Help – Personal meeting via Skype or Phone
2:3 Elevator Pitch (partner updates)
Remember PU Consulting AB is your extended arm and we work with you.
Elevator pitch updates to PU Consulting AB.
The idea is that it should be possible to deliver the update in the time span of an elevator ride, or a few sentences in an email.
For PU Consulting AB it means internal partner information about:
• Product information (Latest updates)
• Sales
• Marketing
Why? Reasons for PU Consulting AB to contact customers.
• Copy of partner meeting reports
• EXCEL – TECNO 2019
….Row – Diffrent material and machines
….Column – Week 1-52
….Cell info – short info ex one-two sentences // Peter ( Submitted by)
Elevator pitch Flow chart
3. Agreements & Price list
3:1 Distribution/Agency agreement
…………To be discussed
3:2 Consultancy agreement
…………To be discussed
3:3 Price list
….3:3:1 Price list Marketing & Marketing research
….3:3:2 Price list Consultancy
…………To be discussed
….3:3:3 Price list New Development
…………To be discussed
…. 3:3:4 Price list Material SDS (Safety Data Sheet) and lable in local language
…………To be discussed
…. 3:3:5 Price list Material registration and packaging fees per country
…………To be discussed
4. Instruction for News & Cases
Before anything else make sure to always inform and agree with PU Consulting AB on the following:
…. – NEWS & CASES keywords (industry, department, min 5 keywords).